2 Things To Consider When Purchasing A Commercial Dishwasher

Posted on: 26 May 2022


If you're looking to buy a commercial dishwasher, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind. The first thing is size: make sure that the dishwasher will fit in your space. Second, you need to decide what type of dishwasher you want, manual or automatic. This article explores each of these factors in more detail. Read on to discover more.

Consider the size of the dishwasher and the space in your kitchen

Any restaurant owner knows that a commercial dishwasher is an essential piece of equipment. Not only does it save time and labour, it also helps to ensure that dishes are clean and sanitary. When shopping for a commercial dishwasher, there are two key factors to keep in mind: the size of the dishwasher and the space in your kitchen. The size of the dishwasher will dictate how many dishes it can accommodate at one time, and the space in your kitchen will determine where you can install it. With these factors in mind, you can narrow down your options and choose the best commercial dishwasher for your business.

Think about if you wish to invest in a manual or an automatic dishwasher

When it comes to commercial dishwashers, there are two main types to choose from: manual and automatic. As their names suggest, manual dishwashers require the operator to load and unload the racks, while automatic dishwashers have built-in conveyor belts that move the racks through the different washing cycles. There are pluses and negatives to each type of dishwasher, so it's essential to consider your needs before making a purchase.

Manual dishwashers

Manual dishwashers are typically more affordable than their automatic counterparts, and they're often smaller in size, making them a good choice for businesses with limited space. They also tend to be more energy-efficient since they don't require as much water or electricity to operate. On the downside, manual dishwashers can be slower and more labour-intensive than automatic models, and they may not have the same features, such as built-in water softeners or filtering systems.

Automatic dishwashers

Automatic dishwashers are more expensive than manual models, but they can save time and labour in the long run. They're also available in various sizes and styles to fit any business's needs. Additionally, since they use conveyor belts to move the racks through the different washing cycles, they can wash more dishes in a shorter amount of time.

If you want to find out more, contact an appliance sales service today.